sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2002


 Half the world away 2002

Hallwalls Gallery in Buffalo
Caradoria | curators:
Martin Boynce, Ihor Holubizky
Inês Raphaelian + IMaginary Line Project

Projct by Simon Rees e Haley Tompkins
Buffalo | USA

Hany Armanious
Del Kathryn Barton
John Beales & Graham Rams
Neil Bickerton
Karla Black
MArtin Boyce
Leya Mira Brander
Jenny Brownrigg
Roderick Buchanan
Michel Bullock
Eugene Carchesio
Anne-Marie Copestake
Kate Davis
Katy Dove
Katie Exley
Alex Frost
Michael Fullerton
Kevin Hutcheson
Julian Kildear
Sarah Lowndes
Lorna Macintyre
Sophie Macpherson
Alan Michael
Andrew Miller
Rosana Monnerat
Victoria norton
Scott Myles
Sally Osborn
Toby Peterson
FRed PEdersen
Sidney Philocreon
Alex Pollardi
Mônica Rubinho
Luiz Flávio Silva

Sarah Smith
Clara sthephenson
Ricky Swallow
Hayley Tompkins
Yvone Rose Twaddle
Nathan Waters
Michael Wilinson
David Wishart

thanks for organization  of the event

link for images:


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